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Curious about Real Estate investing but not quite ready to dive in?

Do you want to learn more about the process and the benefits of Real Estate investing before pulling the trigger?

Are you a first time homebuyer or at the place where you are just beginning to think about investing in Real Estate?

The Owning It and Living It Real Estate for Beginners course is designed specifically for individuals like you who want to gain knowledge and clarity before taking the next step.

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We understand that people of color often face distinct challenges in the real estate industry. Our course addresses these obstacles head-on, equipping you with the tools and strategies to overcome systemic barriers and build wealth through real estate investing.

We believe that everyone deserves equal opportunities.

We are committed to helping you navigate the path to financial independence.Write your text here

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You are not sold on investing in Real Estate and want to learn more about the benefits and process before jumping in.

You are a first-time home buyer who also wants to become an investor and you want to understand how to get started.

You want to begin Real Estate investing and avoid the common rookie mistakes that most investors make.

You want to learn from someone that has faced some of the same challenges you’ve faced and who understands your unique situation.

You have read all the books and listened to all the podcasts but are still having trouble figuring out how to get started.

You are committed to not making ANY MORE EXCUSES and you want to buy your first or next property within 1 year.

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We’ve designed this course to help you take action.

If you have questions and you’re feeling stuck you will have the ability to reach out to a coach and get your questions answered.

Here’s how . . .

Finish the course

Complete the feedback questionnaire

Yay! You’re immediately enrolled in a quarterly Q&A with Erika

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Payment plans are available!

Sounds life-changing, right?

And I've got multiple happy clients to prove it's just that!

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How will I access the modules or get updates?

When you enroll, you will get all the critical information emailed to you immediately.

How many modules are included in the course, and how should I work through them?

There are 11 modules that you can work through at your own pace. Work through them however YOU like to learn…press play on the video modules—or just tune into the audio & listen. Re-listen as often as you need!

Are there any additional resources and tools are provided with each section of the course?

Each section comes with extra tools and tons of checklists and resources.

Is the course accessible on mobile devices or desktop only?

The course is fully functional on mobile, so you can pull it up anywhere, any time (even on a long commute or while you’re waiting on your dinner take-out to be ready)!

Are there any next steps after I finish the course?

Once you’ve completed the course, fill out the feedback survey, and then you’ll be invited to a quarterly Q&A with Erika and her team where you can ask specific questions related to your real estate investing journey and begin taking action!

Real Estate for Beginners Course

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