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How does the monthly live group session work?

The session will be an hour long, once a month, where you’ll have the chance to ask any questions of Erika, discuss and talk to others in the group, and learn from a real estate expert on various topics.

Should I sign up if I’m not a homeowner?

Are you financially in a position to purchase a home today? If so, then yes you should still apply! If not, check out my Real Estate for Beginners Course - found on my website (

I live overseas, can I benefit from this program?

All of the program's content is geared towards US real estate investing only.

If you live overseas but are interested in investing here in the US then this program will work for you.

What type of coaching style does Erika have?

She is direct and straightforward and values head-on, honest feedback over a softer approach. She is super passionate about helping people who have their own vision for their lives and want to help themselves.

I already own real estate investment properties. Would I benefit from this program?

Do you feel confident that you know every single strategy to invest in real estate? Have you scaled your real estate business to be truly passive? Do you have systems in place that allow your real estate to run itself? If you answered no to any of the above, then this program is for you!

If I decide to NOT participate after I've already paid, can I receive a refund?

No, payments are non-refundable.

Can I take this program with my partner?

Yes, we encourage couples to take the program together! If you take this program as a couple you only need to sign up for one person.

Are there any payment plan options?

Yes! Through the regular checkout, there is an option to signup for payment plans through Affirm.

Or, if you’re interested in an in-house payment plan of $550 for the next 10 months, you can email us at for more info!

What if I don’t think I’m ready?

Do you not feel ready because you think you need to do xyz first?

Maybe you think you need to improve your credit score before investing? This program offers expert guidance on steps to raise your credit score.

Maybe you think you need to save more money to begin investing? Working with an expert could help you discover new ways to find capital you didn’t think of before.

Maybe you think you don’t have the space in your life to become a Real Estate investor? This program will help you create systems to automate your investments so you’re not only making money but saving time.

Maybe you think you don’t know enough to invest in a supportive program like this? The guidance and frameworks within this program are designed to give you the knowledge to choose a market, create a strategy and gain confidence to moving forward and taking action.

I’m afraid bc this is my first big investment…

I understand this is a big step. You may not know anyone else that has done this. I want to remind you though, it’s a false belief to think you have to overcome fear to take action. In my experience, taking action actually helps overcome fears! This may be your first big investment and that can be scary. Be scared and do it anyway! Allow your fear to work for you not drive you! Use that fear to help you show up and do the work! If you follow our process you should be successful! Use your fear to help you make it to the finish line of owning multiple real estate investments!

What if I don’t think I have the money to invest in a Program like this?

Instead of thinking about what you don’t have, begin thinking like an investor today. What do you have? What is something that you can do to create income to pay for this investment? What is something that you can cut out for a period of time to pay for this investment? Your short sacrifice can turn into a lifetime of wealth if you’re willing to make the investment into your legacy versus looking for a quick fix.

I’ve purchased other courses that haven’t gotten me where I want to go - will this Program really work?

Your hesitation and frustration is valid! There are a lot of programs out there - and most don’t offer what this one does. Most programs offer quick fixes and short term solutions without the custom support that’s needed for the journey that is real estate investing.

Most programs don’t offer the live, 1-on-1 support that this one does. We know everyone’s situation is different, so we built in live sessions and office hours with Erika and the coaches so you can get your specific questions answered!

We also intentionally made this program longer than most (nine months!) since we know that real estate is a marathon not a sprint, and sometimes it can take time to find the right properties.

The length of this program, the live coaching, and the other offerings in this program ensure you not only have the time to find an investment property that works for you, but when you do - you’ll have the community, resources and tools needed to proceed confidently and get to the closing table!

What if I desire more 1on1 coaching than what the Program currently offers?

We’re intentionally limiting this program to a small group of people to keep things personalized and intimate.

Through the bi-weekly office hours, monthly live Zoom calls, and private Facebook group, you’ll have many opportunities to customize this program according to your needs.

If you find you desire more support and coaching than that, there is an additional add-on you can purchase for $497. With this add-on, you’ll have unlimited, direct access to Erika for 30 days through an instant messaging app called Voxer. Head to this link to sign up:

Another great option for more personalized couching and in-person touchpoints would be our Mastermind program. It’s a larger investment than the Pathway Program, but as part of it you’ll get two in-person retreats with Erika as well as 10 months of Voxer access to her. You can learn more about the Mastermind at this link:

Pathway to Purchase Your First Investment Property

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